
What if I tell you that text-decoration is one of the least supported SVG features? Yes, the one that is used to underline a text. How is it even possible?! Let's find out!

The first unintuitive thing you have to understand about text-decoration is that it's inheritable and uses properties from the element it was defined on.
So in the case of:

    <tspan fill="green" text-decoration="underline">
        <tspan fill="black">Text</tspan>

our underline would be green and not black.

Hm... Ok, let's ignore different width, height, position and everything else for now.

The second unintuitive thing is that decoration properties include font properties as well. So if we have:

    <tspan fill="green" font-family="Arial" font-size="200" text-decoration="underline">
        <tspan fill="black" font-family="Noto Sans" font-size="48">Text</tspan>

then our underline would use Arial font metrics and not Noto Sans one. And yes, underline thickness and position are stored in the font.

In reality though...

Firefox and Safari are the only one "correct" here.

The third unintuitive thing is that decorations are cumulative. Meaning we can define multiple text-decoration's separately and they have to be combined. And yes, preserved their individual styles.

<text x="50" y="60" font-family="Noto Sans" font-size="48">
    <tspan fill="green" text-decoration="underline">
        <tspan fill="blue" text-decoration="line-through">
            <tspan fill="black">Text</tspan>

Here, Firefox and Batik are correct. But at this point it's even hard to tell who is right or wrong.

Another problem with such fundamental properties such as text-decoration is that they can affect many other SVG constructs. Like a vertical text.

<text x="100" y="100" font-family="Amiri" font-size="20" text-anchor="middle"
      writing-mode="tb" text-decoration="underline">本 Hi! اليابان</text>

Well, yeah... Safari, for a browser, is comically bad here.

Let's also remember that letters in SVG can be rotated. In which case underline is not longer... well, a line.

<linearGradient id="lg1">
    <stop offset="0" stop-color="white"/>
    <stop offset="1" stop-color="green"/>
<text x="10" y="65" rotate="15" fill="url(#lg1)"
      font-family="Noto Sans" font-size="86" text-decoration="underline">Text</text>

Note that text-decoration would be converted into paths and become a part of the whole text content. Basically, the text element would become a group with paths.

As you can see, Safari has an incorrect gradient position on underline. Batik and librsvg are drawn just a line. And Inkscape simply gave up.

Finally, let's ignore all the rules and try to render the most absurd case possible. A vertical text, partially on a circle path, with decoration defined outside the text element.

<g text-decoration="overline" fill="red">
    <text writing-mode="tb" fill="black">
        <textPath xlink:href="#path1">

Yeah... This is SVG for you. No one knows what to do.